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asked about Car Maintenance

7 months ago

How can we know how much oil our car is consuming?

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How can we
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1 Answer

You can calculate fuel consumption yourself as follows: 1) Fill the tank with fuel. 2) Set the car's distance to zero or record the starting distance. 3) Use the vehicle normally and observe the distance traveled (should use the vehicle at least 100 km or more). 4) Refuel the car, filling the tank as before (use the same brand and type of fuel). Record the amount of fuel added and the amount charged. 5) Record the total distance traveled. Calculation method: Take the total distance traveled and divide it by the amount of additional fuel during the second refueling. For example: the total distance is 500 km and the amount of fuel poured in the second time is 30 liters, then 500 km 30 liters = 16.6 km/liter. This will tell you the fuel consumption in km/litre. *This formula applies to all types of vehicles.

7 months ago